Nys driver assessment fee
Nys driver assessment fee

nys driver assessment fee

Those who accumulate 8 points on their license during an 18 month period will be required to pay $450 driver assessment fee or $150 per year for 3 years. Most speeding tickets issued in New York State tend to be 6 point speeds of which a conviction to the charge will trigger a driver assessment fee. If you are unable to find a provider that is approved to provide clinical screening and assessment services in your area, call the New York State HOPE line for assistance.


For each point over 6 point starting level, there is an additional $75 drivers assessment fee or $25 per year for 3 years. Find an OASAS approved provider to conduct screening and assessments for Impaired Driver Program participants using the program/provider look-up tool. The driver assessment fee starts at $300, or $100 per year for 3 years once 6 points is placed on your drivers record with dates of violation within the 18 month period. The driver assessment fee is in addition to any fines, surcharges, administrative fees and penalties that the court or DMV may impose. Not only will the NYS DMV consider points received in New York State, but also points received in Quebec Canada and Ontario Canada. I was notified yesterday that i will be terminated because I supposedly lied about having a valid driving license.

nys driver assessment fee

I am employed as a RN in ny for the county. I had not ever received any prior notification from the dmv that i owed a fee. While the conviction may trigger the driver assessment fee, when calculating the points accumulated, the DMV looks at the dates of the violation, not the date of conviction. I received in the mail 3/2011 a ny driver assessment fee- i went to the dmv and paid it 450.00. If you accumulate 6 points or more on your diver’s license or driving record, within an 18 month period, the NYS DMV will impose driver’s assessment fee.

Nys driver assessment fee